Ipek Bozkaya, M.A.

E-Mail: ibozkaya@uni-mainz.de
Promotionsfach: Turkologische Literaturwissenschaft
Dissertationstitel/Arbeitstitel: Homoerotic Literary Representations in Late Ottoman and Early Republican Literature
Mentor an der JGU: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Petr Kucera
Thema der Dissertation:
This project will follow the marginalized homoerotic discourse (Ze’evi, 2006) as the constitutive element of heteronormativity in literary texts written in the late Ottoman and early Republican periods. In this landscape, where heterosexuality is now violently normative by the middle of the twentieth century, literary texts as a space where same-sex erotic relations are reflected (Schick, 1999) will be analyzed in the context of showing sexual practices before heteronormativity.
03/2022 - present PhD in Turkish Literature, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany.
Thesis: Homoerotic Literary Representations in Late Ottoman and Early Republican Literature
09/2017- 03/2021 Master of Arts in Turkish Literature. Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey. Thesis: The Political Potential of Desire: The Queer Subjectivity of Reşat Ekrem Koçu.
09/2019 - 03/2020 Master of Arts in Turkish Literature, Hamburg University, Germany (Exchange Study).
09/2010 - 06/2015 Bachelor of Arts in Turkish Literature Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul, Turkiye.
09/2014 - 03/2015 Bachelor of Arts in Orientalistic. Otto-Friedrich Bamberg University, Germany (Exchange Study).
Lexicographer in Turkish Literature Names Dictionary Project (TEIS) conducted by Ahmet Yesevi University with the support of Ministry of Culture and Tourism, 2019.
Transliteration of Ottoman script to Latin-based modern Turkish script in Research Project on “The History of the Original Crime Fiction Published in Turkey Between 1884 and 1928” supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), 2020.
Book: Cahit, C. (2020). Kanlı Vakalar Koleksiyonu (Ipek Bozkaya, Ed.) Ötüken Press (Original work published in 1928. ISBN 9786051559506.
“Queer Teori Bağlamında Reşat Ekrem Ekrem Koçu’nun Kızlarağasının Piçi Hikayesinin Analizi” (“Analysis of Reşat Ekrem Koçu’s “Kızlarağasının Piçi” in the Context of Queer Theory”) in Monograf, April, 2021
“Dilin Dışında Bir Dünyanın Tasarımı” (“The Design of A World Beyond Language”) in Sanatkritik, January 15, 2021
“Fantastik Biyopolitika” (“Fantastic Biopolitics”) in Sanatkritik, December 11, 2020
“Parler Femme yahut Metnin Cinsiyeti” (“Parler Femme or Gender of the Text”) in Sanatkritik, November 6, 2020
“Yazının İmkânları Üzerine Düşünmek” (“Reflecting on the Possibilities of Writing”), in Sanatkritik, October 16, 2020
“Hikâyenin Aslını Kimseler Bilmiyor: Ayfer Tunç’un EvvelOtel’i Üzerine” (“Nobody Knows The Real Story: On “The Yore Hotel” of Ayfer Tunç, in Sabitfikir, February, 2017
“Eylül’ün Romanı: Irmak Zileli’nin Eşik’i Üzerine” (“The Novel of Eylül: On “Treshold” of Irmak Zileli) in Istanbul Art News Edebiyat, November, 2015
“Hayatla Hikâyeyi Birbirinden Ayırmak: Ayşegül Devecioğlu’nun Ara Tonları Üzerine” (“Seperating Life and Story: On “Mid-tones” of Ayşegül Devecioğlu) in Istanbul Art News Edebiyat, September, 2015
Since 10/2022 Exposé-Stipendium awarded by the Gutenberg Graduate School of the Humanities and Social Sciences, JGU Mainz.